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Initial Public Offering


For an enterprise to process Initial Public Offering (IPO), it is to embark upon a journey of three stages – prepublic comprehensive assessmentcorporate restructuring and public offering. We deliver services through:


Stage one – Pre-public Comprehensive assessment

For an enterprise to go process IPO, It is a complex financial architecture and systematic work process. You shall go through a procedure from preparation, implementation to post appraisal just like other traditional investment projects. Whether to take your IPO on capital market or not? Where is the best place to take your IPO and how do you build the right market strategy? These options are widening all the time. It is requisite for enterprises to develop corresponding business strategies against the risks resulted from listing on different exchange market. And a comprehensive assessment takes an indispensable role in helping a quoted company to develop and implement an appropriate operating model for improving control and managing risk. It can be expensive to hire and pay a board of directors, or at least a higher profile board. Hence, it is important to identify all the relevant elements, develop a detailed understanding and have a clear insight in advance for making sure an enterprise is suitable for an IPO and able to navigate on the road to create an IPO.


Stage Two – Corporate restructuring

IPO refers to more than hundreds of key issues, especially in China where private enterprises are generally bearing similar burdens related to finance, tax, law, company governance and historical evolution while most of these issues are difficult to be solved in a later stage. Our financial advisors are able to assist you to remediate these issues on the basis of completing a proactive assessment and relevant preparation systemically while strengthen the confidence of your investors, strategic shareholders, other agencies and administrative authorities.


Stage Three – Assistance and Supervision of Public Offering   

After an enterprise confirms to go public, it comes to a stage of practical operations, which includes selecting an underwriter, join-stock reform, auditing and law inspection, preparing registration statement and issuing stock.


Our professionals are able to assist you in working throughout this whole process of going public.

We are here for you throughout the year.                                                                                                                

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