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Mergers and Acquisition

TIME:2015-02-27 BROWSE:676
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Mergers and Acquisition


The term merger or acquisition means a combination of two companies where one corporation is completely absorbed by another corporation. No two integrations are the same, and companies must scrutinize every aspect in order to reach the full value of the deal.


For Chinese enterprises, to conduct mergers and acquisition is beneficial for:

▪ Acquiring international quality brands

▪ Acquiring traditional research and development capability and advanced manufacturing technologies

▪ Bringing those overseas high technologies into the fast-growing market in China


How can I increase my business value by merging? How do I bring value to a company by buying it? Where should I invest or divest corresponding to my business strategy? Whether an investment proposal is aligned with my corporate strategy and development opportunities or not? These are key questions behind every deal. According to the mergers and acquisition strategy process, you should improve the deal flow by screening targets and develop a proper plan to reach those targets.


For reaching a successful merger of acquisition, it is essential to conduct a business valuation of the target company for knowing their market performance and financial performance. It should be done before the merger or acquisition takes place.


You should have a sound strategic planning to ensure the deal does not break off. For achieving the best result, case study of other mergers can be helpful – to see how other mergers have gained success or encounter failure. You should consider what they have gone through and learn from their experience especially the ones who have conducted a merger or acquisition similar with yours. It can guide you to develop your own M&A strategies by looking through the path of the successful mergers and undertaking analysis of their strategies while avoiding the mistakes made by the failed ones. It is important to conduct a thorough market survey and analysis for gaining ideas and acquiring golden rules that can be applied in your M&A strategies.


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