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Our Annual Report Model-Simplified Version

TIME:2017-05-16 BROWSE:885
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Our Annual Report Model

(for non-public companies in manufacture industry) 




Section 1 Accounting responsibilities and commitment


Section 2 Organizational structure and structure alteration


Section 3 Accounting data and report of objectives accomplishment


Difference of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report

Operating income

Net income

Cash flows from operating activities

Return on equity (ROE)

Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets

Government subsidy



Section 4 Accounting statistics and financial analysis


Analysis of primary business activities

1) Sales Revenue

Change in revenue

Major clients measured by sales revenue

Total top five clients measured by sales revenue (RMB)

Proportion in annual total sales revenue for the top five clients (%)

2) Ratio analysis

3) Cost

Analysis of production cost

Quantities of products produced

Quantities of inventory

Ratio in operation

Cost of raw materials, employee’s salary, depreciation and other expenses

4) Expenses

Change of expenses and their respective proportion in annual total revenue

Sales expenses

Administrative expenses

Financial expenses

5) Research and development expenditure

6) Performance analysis

Analysis of employees’ salaries

Proportion of salaries in annual total revenue

7) Cash flow

Difference of proportion in annual total revenue

Cash-in from operating activities

Cash-out from operating activities

Net Cash generated from operations

Cash-in from investing activities

Cash-out from investing activities

Net Cash used in investing activities

Cash-in from financing activities

Cash-out from financing activities

Net Cash from financing activities

Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year

Explanation for difference more than 30%

8) Analysis of primary business activities by:

Operating revenue

Gross profit ratio

Increase/decrease of operating revenue y-o-y

9) Analysis of assets and liabilities

a) Major changes of assets

Ratio change in total assets y-o-y

Monetary fund

Accounts receivable


Assets investment

Long-term equity investment

Fixed assets

Construction in progress

b) Major changes of liabilities

Ratio change in total assets y-o-y

Short-term loans

Long-term loans

c) Assets and liabilities measured by fair value

10) Analysis of investment

a) Foreign equity investment

Ratio difference y-o-y

Gain/loss from investment

b) Analysis of the subsidiary companies invested


Section 5 External factors


(I) Industrial policy

(II) Law and regulations

(III) Competitors

(IV) Upstream and downstream industries


Section 6 Internal financial factors


(I) Major lawsuit and arbitrations

(II) Situation of non-business capital occupied by controlling shareholders

(III)Assets transaction/merger

(IV)Execution of equity incentive

(V) Guarantee

(VI) Alternation of shareholders and share controlled

(VII) Employee turnover


Section 7 Internal control


Analysis of internal control

(I) Internal control regulations of monetary currency

(II) Internal control regulations of suppliers management

(III) Internal control regulations of sales and credit policies

(IV)Property management system

(V) Products management system

(VI) Regulations of enhancing cost control and management


Section 8 Financial management suggestions and measures


Strategies of risk management

(I) Market risk caution and corresponding strategy

(II) Operational risk caution and corresponding strategy

(III) Tax risk caution and corresponding strategy

(IV) Assets management risk caution and corresponding strategy

(V) Liabilities management risk caution and corresponding strategy

(VI) Cash management risk caution and corresponding strategy


Section 9 Financial statement


Consolidated balance sheet

Balance sheet

Consolidated income statement

Income statement

Cash flow statement

Other supporting statements in details


Section 10 References



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