Tax law

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Circular of the State Council on Questions Concerning the Collection of Income Tax on Wholly Individually-owned Enterpri

TIME:2014-11-25 BROWSE:602
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Circular of the State Council on Questions Concerning the Collection of Income Tax on Wholly Individually-owned Enterprises and Partnership Enterprises 


Guo Fa [2000] No.16


To the people's governments of the provincesautonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Governmentthe ministries and commissions of the State Council and the departments directly under the State Council


For the purpose of balancing tax burdenssupporting and encouraging individuals to invest and set up enterprisesand promoting the continuousrapid and sound development of national economythe State Council hereby decides to cease the enterprise income taxation of wholly individually-owned enterprises and partnership enterprises as of January 12000and that the individual income tax will be levied on the investors' income derived from manufacturing and operation in the same way as for the income of individual industrial and commercial households derived from manufacturing and operation. Detailed tax polices and measures for levy of tax shall be separately formulated by the state administrations of finance and taxation. 

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