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Interpretations and Interim Regulations of Some Specific Issues about House Property Tax房产税若干具体问题的解释

TIME:2014-11-25 BROWSE:699
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Interpretations and Interim Regulations of Some Specific Issues about House Property Tax


                         (Cai Shui Di [1986] No. 008)


1.  The Interpretation on the Cities Counties Administrative Towns and Industrial and Mining Areas


The "cities" refers to the cities established upon approval of the State Council.


The "counties" refers to the places where the people's governments of counties without administrative town are situated.


The "administrative towns" refers to the administrative towns established upon the approval of the people's government of the provinces autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government.


The "industrial and mining areas" refers to the places of medium and large-scale industrial and mining enterprises that have well developed industry and commerce have a comparatively dense population meet the standards for administrative towns prescribed by the State Council but have not set up administrative towns. The industrial and mining areas in which house property tax shall be collected shall be subject to the approval of the people's government of the province autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.


2. The Interpretation of the Scope of Tax Collection of Cities and Administrative Towns


The scope of tax collection of cities shall be the downtowns and suburbs and counties under the cities not including rural areas.


The scope of tax collection of administrative towns shall include the places where the people's government of towns are situated not including the administrative villages under these towns.


3. The Interpretation of Mass Organizations


The "mass organizations" refers to various social groups that are established upon approval of or registered for archival filing by the government departments authorized by the State Council and for which the State will appropriate the administrative and operational expenses.


4. Do "entities for which the public financial departments of the State appropriate the operational expenses" include those institutions for which the public financial departments of the State appropriate the operational expenses and which implement budget management by remainder


The institutions that implement budget management by remainder have a certain amount of income but it is not enough to cover all their expenditure and they still need the appropriation from the State finance departments. Therefore the institutions that implement budget management by remainder also fall into the category of "entities for which the public financial departments of the State appropriate the operational expenses" and for the house properties for their own use house property taxes shall be exempted.


5. Is there any preferential policy on tax reduction or exemption for entities for which the public financial departments of the State originally appropriate the operational expenses and which start to be responsible for their own income and outlay


The house property tax shall still be levied for entities for which the public financial departments of the State originally appropriate the operational expenses and which start to be responsible for their own income and outlay. However for the purpose of encouraging economic independence of the public institutions such entities can be exempted from house property tax for three years from the year when the institution takes responsibility for the income and outlay of its source of expenditure.


6. The Interpretation of the House Property for Self-use of Tax-exempt Entities


The "house property for self-use by state organs mass organizations and armies" refers to the houses for office business and public affairs.


The "house property for self-use by public institutions" refers to the operational houses of these institutions.


The "house property for self-use by religious temples and shrines" refers to the houses for conducting religious rituals and the residential houses of the religious personnel.


The "house property for self-use by parks scenic spots and places of historic interest" refers to the houses for public visits and sightseeing as well as the office houses of the relative managing entities.


The leasehold house properties and the houses for production and business beyond the scope of their own operations of the entities hereinabove are not within the scope of tax exemption and house property taxes shall be levied.


7. How to levy house property taxes on the house properties of other entities used by tax-paying entities and individuals free of rental


The house property taxes of the house properties of the housing management departments tax-exempt and tax-paying entities used by tax-paying entities and individuals free of rental shall be paid by users on behalf.


8. How to determine the tax payment places for taxpayers with house properties at different places


According to the Article 9 of the Interim Regulations of House Property Tax "the house property tax shall be collected by the taxation administration in the place where the house property is situated". Taxpayers with house properties at different places shall pay house property taxes to the taxation administrations according to locations of their house properties respectively.


9. Can the house property tax be levied on the factories and warehouses beyond the scope of tax collection


According to the Interim Regulations of House Property Tax no house property tax shall be levied on factories and warehouses beyond the scope of tax collection.


10. On Whether to Exempt House Property Taxes on the Houses for Self-use by Schools Hospitals Nurseries and Kindergartens That Are Operated by Enterprises


If the houses properties are for self-use by schools hospitals nurseries and kindergartens that are operated by enterprises the house property taxes can be exempted as for the house properties for self-use by entities for which the public financial departments of the State appropriate the operational expenses.


11. On Whether to Levy House Property Tax on Underground Air Defense Facilities for Business Use


For the purpose of encouraging the use of underground air defense facilities house property tax shall not be levied on these facilities for the time being.


12. On Whether to Levy House Property Tax on the Leasehold House of Individual Ownership


House property tax shall be levied on all leasehold houses by individuals regardless of their purposes.


13. Will house property tax be levied on the part exceeding the area standard verified by local authorities on residential houses of individual ownership


According to the provisions of the Interim Regulations of House Property Tax the house property of individual ownership for non-business use shall be exempted from house property tax. Therefore the residential house of individual ownership shall be exempted from house property tax regardless of the size of areas.


14. With respect to the leasehold house of individual ownership shall the house property tax be counted and paid on the residual value or the rental income of the house property


According to the provisions of the Interim Regulations of House Property Tax the house property tax shall be counted on the rental income of leasehold house. Therefore taxes shall be levied on leasehold houses of individual ownership based on the rental income.


15. On How to Determine the Original Value of the House Property


The "original value of the house property" refers the original prices recorded in the "fixed assets" of account books by taxpayers according to the provisions of accounting policies. If the taxpayer has not made the record according to the provisions of accounting regulations the original value of the house property shall be adjusted according to the relevant rules when house property tax is counted and levied and any original value of the house property obviously unreasonable shall be re-assessed.


16. With respect to the hazardous houses and dilapidated houses that can hardly be resided in can they be exempted from house property tax


With respect to the hazardous houses and dilapidated houses that can hardly be resided in they can be exempted from house property tax after the cessation of use upon the appraisal by relevant authorities.


17. If the house property tax is counted and paid on the residue value after deducting 10% to 30% of the original value of the house property

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